Spring 2022 Exhibition of Learning | 2022 Annual Learning Outcomes Exhibition

Now Shenzhen   |   June 21, 2022

Earlier this week, Shenzhen American International School hold our annual Exhibition of Learning. The Exhibition is an opportunity for our students to show to the whole school, and in pre-Covid times to parents and visitors, by presenting their learning through their projects. As visitors ask questions and the student answers, the Exhibition helps develop their interpretation and communication skills and builds confidence in what they have and can achieve.


G4: SAIS Science Museum

Fourth grade scholars invited fellow students to their Energy Transfer Science Museum. The students created 7 different exhibits that showed how energy is transferred from one type to another. Students researched scientists that had curiosity and perseverance, and they used these scientists to help inspire their exhibits. Fourth graders exhibited a bicycle generator to show how mechanical energy transfers to electrical energy. While someone pedaled the bicycle, another student held wires from the generator to a fan or light. When the generator stopped working, the students troubleshot and temporarily fixed the problem. This problem solving is exactly what real scientists do. Our students are real scientists. There were balloon rockets that showed the connection between energy and speed. The other exhibits included kinetic and potential energy bow and arrows, food web energy, a marshmallow wave machine, snap circuits, and the edible energy transfer of popcorn was definitely a highlight. The students showed how a popcorn maker transfers electrical energy to thermal, sound, and mechanical energy. Then the fun part- it becomes chemical energy in our bodies.

四年级的学者们邀请同学们参观他们的能量转化科学馆。学生们创造了7个不同的展品,展示了能量是如何从一种类型转化到另一种类型的。学生们研究了有好奇心和毅力的科学家,这些科学家启发了他们的展览。四年级学生展示了一台自行车发电机,展示机械能如何转化为电能。有人踩着自行车,另一名学生拿着发电机和风扇或电灯之间的电线。当发电机停止工作时,学生们排除了故障,暂时解决了问题。解决这个问题正是真正的科学家所做的。 我们的学生是真正的科学家。气球火箭展示了能量和速度之间的联系。其他展品包括动能和势能弓和箭、食物网能量、棉花糖波动机、快闪电路,而爆米花的可食用能量转移无疑是一个亮点。学生们展示了爆米花机如何将电能转化为热能、声能和机械能。然后有趣的部分——它就变成了我们体内的化学能。

Chinese Project: Language Charm Show

What is the magic of language? What is effective communication? What makes our communication more natural? Fourth-grade Chinese project was a language charm show!


Chinese G5: The 24 solar terms of Chinese Traditional Calendar

In The 24 solar terms of Chinese traditional calendar project, students explore Chinese traditional 24 solar terms, such as the time, different weather, seasons, why and how to separate a year in 24 solar terms. We learned the background culture of the 24 solar terms using Chinese classical poems and literature.


Maker Space

The Nightlight Workshop小夜灯设计工作坊

In the nightlight workshop, the third graders learned how to make a simple circuit. They explored the simple electronic components and their functions to make a completed simple circuit. In addition, students studied simple circuit symbols and diagrams. Based on these learning experiences, they designed and created a nightlight using the design thinking process.


ELE 2 & ELE 1’s Carnival 游乐场

How long have you not been to the amusement park?

Do you miss the time you hung out with your families or friends in the Carnival?

Students from ELE1 and ELE2 worked together to design and build a mini amusement park. Students took closely look at the structure of the equipment, and explored different kinds of paper folding art, and practice their cutting skills and manipulating clay skills and so on. Besides, students learned about how to beautify the environment to attract people.


Middle/high school Math

Mosquito Project 蚊子项目

This project was about how to catch mosquitos without using chemicals. Students designed a mosquito trapper, drew out the diagram and determined the materials that they needed to use as well as showing how the diagram works. Then students caught mosquitos with the instrument they had made and also with the traditional chemical system. After, students plotted the results on a graph and determined which was the best solution.


Math class数学课

For math class this year students worked on building a sustainable water battery. We learned about creating energy using the movement of water, air, and solar energy. We learned how to work together as a group and were able to make a working water battery that was able to charge Mr. Omar’s phone.


Economics class经济学课

In Economics class students created their own economy in minecraft. They worked together to create capital and competed with each other to see who could get the most money. They learned all about economics and how it works in the real world, along with many different economic terms and vocabulary.


Middle/high school Social Studies


Creating Your Own Country showcased students’ readiness to run their own nation! The Middle School Social Studies students used their knowledge of existing countries – their geography, the climate, their natural resources, their political system – to create their own country. Using blank template globes they were able to show where their new country would be and their written reports showed what it takes to create safe and sound government policies; set noble civic rights and responsibilities, a strong economy – not to mention a favorable physical and human geography.

“创建自己的国家”的项目学习中展示了学生们准备管理自己的国家!我们中学社会研究的学生们利用他们对现有国家的知识——他们的地理、气候、自然资源、政治制度——创建了他们自己的国家。 使用空白模板地球仪,他们能够显示他们的新国家将在哪里,他们的书面报告显示如何创建安全和健全的政府政策;拥有崇高的公民权利和责任,强大的经济——更不用说有利的自然和人文地理。


Would you like to stay well informed? Grab yourself a copy of the SAIS produced newspaper: Hello Daily, NFT-Art, or Daily Harrold. Students have successfully accomplished their PBL ” Newspapers” by exploring a multitude of skills and knowledge including preparing and conducting an interview as well as creating content for a newspaper based on social studies topics and personal interests. Students’ creativity, research and editing skills demonstrated their endless curiosity and passion for learning!

你想保持消息灵通吗?拿一份深美出版报:Hello Daily, NFT-Art, Daily Harrold。学生通过探索多种技能和知识,包括准备和进行采访,以及根据社会研究主题和个人兴趣创建报纸内容,成功地完成了项目“报纸”。学生们的创造力、研究和编辑技能展示了他们无尽的好奇心和学习热情!


Hello World, hello Human Geography! The High School scholars have created individualized project’s that incorporate themes of their choice from all seven units of their Advanced Placement (AP) Human Geography course such as population; cultural and political patterns; industrial and economic development; agriculture and urban life. Their projects’ represented students’ global interests and mirrored their international curiosity.

你好,世界,你好,人文地理! 这些高中学者们创造了个性化的项目,其中包含了他们从所有七个预修人文地理单元中选择的主题。比如人口; 文化和政治模式; 工业和经济发展; 农业和城市生活。他们的项目代表了学生的全球兴趣,反映了他们的国际好奇心。

Middle/high school Science

G6/7/8: Should SAIS ban Caffeine?

Students learned about cells and why living things need energy. They applied what they learned about body systems and caffeine to decide if caffeine should be allowed at school.


G9/10: Oceans in Action海洋行动

Students became members of a fictional island community, they conducted research on two possible projects: Aquaculture and Offshore Oil Drilling and assess the sustainability of these businesses. The project concluded with a town hall meeting to debate and decide the future of the community.


Middle/high school English

Research Writing Project研究写作项目

In grades 6-9 for the project in English students completed a research project about a topic of interest.


Wizard of Oz Drama Project绿野仙踪话剧项目

For grade 6 drama class students performed scenes from The Wizard of Oz on video after reading the script, memorizing their lines, buying or creating their own costumes, and painting scenic backgrounds.


Chinese 中文

Middle/high school The History of China

Students explored the five thousand years history of China. Moreover they got to know better other Chinese classical literature besides Tang &Song dynasties poems.


Due to the restrictions, we are sorry that we could not invite you to visit each classroom and learn from the students themselves, what they have been studying and learning this semester. Teachers were able to share with parents much of the projects through the classdojo App and of course through posts like this on our Wechat account.

We were excited to celebrate our students’ achievement at the end of the school year and welcome you to visit and our school and become part of the SAIS family!





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Shekou Youth Center Building BC, No.82, Gongyuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China