Spring 2022 Exhibition of Learning

Now Shenzhen   |   June 21, 2022

Earlier this week, Shenzhen American International School hold our annual Exhibition of Learning. The Exhibition is an opportunity for our students to show to the whole school, and in pre-Covid times to parents and visitors, by presenting their learning through their projects. As visitors ask questions and the student answers, the Exhibition helps develop their interpretation and communication skills and builds confidence in what they have and can achieve.


Pre-school 1:Land Transportations

Our three-year old’s have been learning about different types of transportation. They talked about common transportation used on the road, such as scooters, skateboards, roller skates, tricycles and bicycles. They discovered different types of cars and, more importantly, about safety, road rules and why they are important for us to follow.


Pre-school 2A: Water Transportations

Our students have learned about what water transportation is; the purpose, the myriad of ways and how it is accomplished. They worked together as a group to build a class ship, created a sea environment and took field trips to Sihai Park and the harbor to learn about the different bodies of water such as a lake and the sea and the types of transport we could see on each.


Pre-school 2B: Water Transportations

The bumblebee class focused on water transportation this quarter. They worked on creating their own boats, ships, ports, and docks to facilitate a great classroom interactive experience. Moreover, they explored the differences between boats and ships, what they do, and how they float or sink.


Kindergarten A

Students learned about everything from Daedalus and Icarus to Igor Sikorsky and the Wright Brothers. If you had questions, our students had the answers. Visitors were able to make paper airplanes, get tattoos, take pictures, and much more!


Kindergarten B: What is the most effective mode of air transportation?

The children have learned about the different modes of air transportation including the science of air lift. They studied several air vehicles including rockets, helicopters, hot air balloons, and aeroplanes. They understand the process of traveling to other countries as well as the requirements, they also have learned about nationalities and cultures around the world.


G1: Are You Ready to Recycle?

Through this project, grade 1 students learn the importance of recycling, the issues that arise if nothing is done, and ways to cooperate for a better, cleaner future.


G2: Products

In groups of 3 students created a product they thought would be successful in today’s economy. Their goal was to create a product they believed will be in high demand and prepare a presentation that will convince the audience to choose their product as the most successful.



Students explored the changes and differences of the world from long ago and now and how the roles they play impact the future. Students become historians and take part in preserving knowledge for the future.


G5: Human Body Project

Students have learned the circulatory system, the excretory system, the Immune system, the nervous system, the respiratory system, the muscular system, and the skeletal system. Students worked together in small groups using large paper to cut out our life size bodies. Meanwhile, they represented their thoughts and what they had learnt through reflection writing.


Due to the restrictions, we are sorry that we could not invite you to visit each classroom and learn from the students themselves, what they have been studying and learning this semester. Teachers were able to share with parents much of the projects through the classdojo App and of course through posts like this on our Wechat account.

We were excited to celebrate our students’ achievement at the end of the school year and welcome you to visit and our school and become part of the SAIS family!

