Raffles Shenzhen

David Ho   |   July 12, 2019

Located in Nanshan District, Raffles Shenzhen is strategically structured within a short distance from Qianhai, an area brimming with innovation in the modern service industry. Within walking distance to the Shenzhen Bay Port as well as close proximity to a number of shopping malls, headquarter offices, and the Shenzhen Bay Park, Raffles Shenzhen connects you to the best of the city while offering an escape from the noise and bustle.

The Urban Oasis of Shenzhen
Innovatively designed with contemporary architecture, state-of-the-art facilities, and 168 generously spacious guest rooms and suites, Raffles Shenzhen is an urban oasis that occupies the top floors of the 72-story tower in the prestigious One Shenzhen Bay Office Building. As a new, glamourous icon of Shenzhen, Raffles brings new heights to luxury and bespoke service to the economic centre.

Spectacular views of the Shenzhen Bay and Hong Kong are featured in guest rooms and food and beverage venues, while natural day-light illuminates the meticulously crafted interiors for a truly magical stay experience. Continuing a 131-year tradition, the legendary Raffles Butlers bring the warm, graceful and personalized service for which they are known to Shenzhen.

比肩云端的全新地标 深圳鹏瑞莱佛士酒店雄踞于深圳湾1号最高塔楼,设有168间超大空间的奢华客房和套房,建筑风格现代时尚,配有高端待客设施。作为深圳璀璨夺目的全新地标,深圳鹏瑞莱佛士酒店将为深圳的奢华酒店服务推向更高的水准。 都市谧境 深圳鹏瑞莱佛士酒店是一处远离都市喧嚣的谧境,这里既有悠闲惬意的氛围,又不乏创新科技和现代化设施,是休闲游客、商旅人士或当地居民社交聚会、处理商务,亦或享受休闲时光的理想之所。莱佛士品牌享誉全球的服务团队深知每一位旅行者的需求,致力于以个性化的服务和营造静谧怡人的温馨绿洲,为宾客奉上善解人意的服务,感受宾至如归。酒店以精美的设计营造触动感官的美感,并将现代装饰和奢华格调与纯正的当地风情融为一体,让酒店的每一处空间都散发着独特迷人的魅力。精心设计的客房和套房拥有极具宽敞的待客空间,透过采光充足的落地窗还可以饱览壮美的海景或城市景观在酒店客房和餐厅可饱览深圳湾海景和香港丽影,充足的自然采光和精心打造的室内设计为宾客营造出真正迷人的下榻体验。 深圳鹏瑞莱佛士酒店位于南山区深圳湾,地处后海金融商务总部基地,直接连通前海经济开发区,距离深圳湾口岸举步之遥,并可便捷前往香港金融区和中环。周边还有多个购物中心和深圳湾公园,不仅拥有得天独厚的位置优势,也是闹中取静的一处避世谧境。酒店距离深圳站和深圳北站均在23公里左右,驾车至深圳宝安国际机场仅需26公里车程。

Address & Contact Information

Chinese Name: 深圳鹏瑞莱佛士酒店

Address: T7, One Shenzhen Bay, 3008 Zhongxin Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Address CN: 广东省深圳市南山区中心路 3008 号深圳湾1号T7

Phone: +86 (755) 8666 8666