[Closed] Wine Lab

Now Shenzhen   |   September 1, 2021

Hey Wine Lovers,

Wine Lab is a ‘Wine & Tapas’ Bar, French style mixes with Spanish scenery, we offer you more than 100 quality wines from old & new world, with delicious snacks Tapas. There is no cumbersome red tape, but professional wine tasting. Elegant but lively, fresh and relaxing, wine culture should embrace our daily life and become an enjoyable chapter of it instead of being arrogant and untouchable.

Here, you can travel from old world like Bordeaux, Burgogne, ltaly Sardegna to new world Chile, Argentina and Australia, even to the new/new world prestigious Chinese wines through our wine tasting. Running by Benson LAW, who lives in France for many years, his passion and major always around wines! We select the wines from the wine producing regions and tasting by our team, we also like some unknown small but excellent delicate wines and wish you can try more interesting wines with us at WINE LAB!

Taste your wine, taste your happiness!

Place Description (Chinese/中文): 新派葡萄酒馆Wine Lab 是一家巴黎风格却有着西班牙风情的“WINE&TAPAS”葡萄酒馆, 提供超过百款来自旧世界和新世界的优质葡萄酒,以及精致美味的Tapas小吃。这里没有繁琐的人仪式性,但有品鉴的专业性。我们优雅而活泼,感性而放松,葡萄酒文化不应该是高高在上的,而应该是回归生活,享受生活中的一环。 在WINE LAB,我们提供超过100款的葡萄酒,从法国的波尔多,勃艮第,格拉夫,到意大利的撒丁岛,更远到更多新世界如智利,阿根廷,澳洲,中国的优秀葡萄酒,主理人BENSON LAW留法五年,在法国修读葡萄酒相关专业,店里每一款酒都是BENSON带领WINE LAB团队亲自前往当地酒庄挑选,通过品饮,考察产区,确定更有意思的酒。我们喜欢一些不被大众所熟知却又异常优秀美味的葡萄酒,也希望可以给每个来到WINE LAB的酒友喝到更有意思的葡萄酒。

Address & Contact Information

Chinese Name: 新派葡萄酒馆

Address: 99 RD QiaoCheng East, OCT LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Address CN: 深圳市南山区华侨城创意园侨城东路99号

Phone: +0755-86575357