Shen Wai International School Grade Four Chinese Culture Week

David Ho   |   May 29, 2018


From May 7th to 11th, Grade four students had a wonderful opportunity to experience Chinese Culture Week through a series of fun activities, such as Shih-Ching Presentation, Tang Poetry Exhibition and Chinese Poetry Competition, hosted by Chinese Department. During the week-long event, the students not only had fun accessing authentic traditional Chinese clothes and instruments, they also gained a deep understanding of Chinese ancient poetry, this ignited their enthusiasm for learning and inquiring further into Chinese language and culture.  

五月七日至十一日 ,深外国际部四年级举办了第二届中国传统文化周。本次文化周以“雅言唐风传颂为主题,开展了《诗经》文化讲座、中国传统乐器欣赏、中国传统兵器介绍、中国传统服饰展示、考古挖掘体验、唐诗探究走廊、中国诗词大会等一系列精彩纷呈的活动,为SWIS社区带来一场中国文化盛宴。

On May 7th, Mr.Zizhang from Shenzhen Poetry and Liturgy Association was invited to SWIS. He gave a presentation to all Grade four students about Shih-Ching, the oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry.  As Mother’s Day was to be celebrated that weekend, Mr.Zizhang presented and shared a poem with our students which praised motherhood. 

五月七日,深圳诗书礼乐协会的子张老师给四年级的学生 开展了“走进《诗经》” 文化讲座。适逢母亲节,子张老师为同学们讲解了《诗经》中歌颂母亲的名篇《凯风》。“凯风自南,吹彼棘心。棘心夭夭,母氏劬劳。”讲座尾声,子张老师带着孩子们一同吟唱,体会华夏先民的孝敬之心,深意绵绵。

In a previous unit, students were part of small groups and explored selected Tang poets. They were asked to choose one Tang poet and minimum of three different pieces of their poetry to explore. Students inquired into the poet’s life and created timelines, background knowledge and artistic conceptions of the poems were discovered. On May 10th, students dressed up and showcased their learning with the greater SWIS community through a range of multimedia including: posters, book creator, Weebly, podcasting, calligraphy and painting. 


With the award ceremony on 11th of May, 2018, the Chinese Poetry Competition has successfully come to a close! Congratulations to the prize winners! In celebrating our student’s achievements we also wish to thank all of the teachers and parents for participating in this wonderful and inquiry based event. 

五月十一日,第二届中国诗词大会在 学生们清朗的歌声中拉开序幕。经过激烈的初赛角逐,每班胜出的五位同学组成班级代表队,争夺最后的冠亚季军。四年级诗词大会是学生们最喜爱的大型活动之一。大会参考中央电视台《中国诗词大会》的节目形式,通过对小学阶段诗词知识的比拼及赏析,带动学生重温那些曾经学过的古诗词,分享诗词之美,从古人的智慧和情怀中汲取营养,涵养心灵。

We look forward to this becoming an annual SWIS Chinese cultural event! 

Chinese Name: 深圳外国语学校国际部(SWIS)
Place Address: Shen Wai international School, No. 29, Baishi 3rd Road, Nanshan, Shenzhen, China 518053 中国深圳市南山区白石三道29号, 深圳外国语学校国际部 邮编:518053
Place Phone: 86 (755) 86541981/86541963
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