5th SZCBF「Electric City」Ultimate Guide

    第五届「城市源力」深圳精酿啤酒节本周五即将和大家见面!如果你已经购票,请收下这份我们为你准备的活动“终极指南”助你解锁啤酒节三天活动,提前做好你的啤酒节吃喝玩乐攻略!但如果你还没购票,我们强烈建议你 赶 紧 购 票!因为早鸟票明天截止(周三),去年我们可是周六已经全票售罄!
    The 5th Shenzhen craft beer fest 「Electric City」is here from this Friday! For those who’ve already purchased tickets to the fest, here we’re bringing you the “ultimate guide” to unlock this 3-day event to help you getting best out of it, please enjoy! And if you haven’t booked your ticket yet, we highly recommend you to do it NOW, because the Early Bird tickets ends on Wednesday and the last year we got all tickets sold out on Saturday!

    设计 Design / Edo & Umbe



    Nov. 6th ⚡️⚡️⚡️

    友付 YOUPAY


    24 / 7


    Breweries and Booth Numbers


    Our beer fest is not only a place you could enjoy the top craft beers from overall China, but it also serves as a platform for the audience to meet the people behind the brands to learn more about their stories and beers. Check out who’s coming for this year’s fest!

    Tips: Look for “SPECIAL” for easily find Limited Edition / New Release / Other special beers the breweries have prepared especially for this year’s fest and for you!


    百优精酿Bionic Brew

    深圳 Shenzhen


    深圳年度精酿啤酒节主办方, 本土精酿啤酒文化推广者。
    来自中国深圳的独立精酿啤酒品牌,以其酿造的独特口感与工业啤酒对抗。我们选用来自世界各地最上乘的原料,以手工精酿的方式制作各种美味啤酒,同时也酿造健康好喝的茶饮和咖啡。以小批量生产以保证绝佳口感和最优品质。我们希望承袭深圳本土的“开拓,进取, 创新”之精神注入发展的每一个阶段,将酿造具有本土气息且具备世界级水准的精酿啤酒作为使命。百优自成立以来亦屡次获奖,也拥有了一大批忠实簇拥。

    Bionic Brew presents the Shenzhen annual craft beer festival.
    As one of the first breweries in the city, Bionic is proud to be an independent force making quality craft brews and celebrating our community through it. From day one we have been on a mission to promote the craft beer culture in Shenzhen as well as in South China.

    *Meet the Founder & Brewmaster*



    保霖精酿| Bravo Brewing

    广州 Guangzhou


    2016年,Bravo保霖精酿诞生于广州市,是华南地区本土精酿品牌先驱者,市场已触达大陆各大城市,港澳地区和出口到东南亚国家。我们致力于本土酿造,新鲜至上的信仰,秉持着”保霖精酿,饮以为傲”的品牌理念,期许更多消费者能喝到属于中国的精酿。多年来,保霖持续创新,研发出多款脍炙人口,津津乐道的产品。同时,对品质的管控亦日趋严格,没有哗众取宠,只见砥砺前行,希望每个消费者都能喝到用心酿造的啤酒,亦在近年荣获了国内外多个啤酒比赛的各项奖牌。保霖输出的不光是酒,而是一份坚持,是对自我的要求,也是对消费者的尊重。我们会用稳固的品质升华碰杯时的快乐。保霖也希望将这份荣耀归于消费者,因为你们的勇敢让保霖更加专注。世界再苛求,我们还会向前走,给沿途的你一杯自由。保霖精酿 饮以为傲

    Bravo Brewing Company is founded in Guangzhou China since August 2016. We make world-class Ales and Lagers that challenge how people think of beer. The founder Wayne Shen and Co-Founder/Head Brewer Rocky Wang established this one of the recognized microbreweries in Guangzhou. The experience in North America encouraged them to share appreciation for Craft Beer and bring it into Guangzhou, while creating uniquely Chinese Beers.Here at Bravo, we offer beers made from the finest ingredient of malts, hops and yeast, and specially treated and filtered water culminate into Classic German Lagers, European Ales, as well as American hoppy Ales. We’re excited and honored to be part of the revolution for locally brewed Craft Beer that starts to gain momentum in China.Brew In China , Bravo In Heart!



    瓶装 (4款)Bottles (4 Types)

    1.白骑士 比利时小麦 | White Knight Belgian Wit

    ABV:4.8% ;IBU:15

    典型比利时小麦风格,浑浊的酒体,香菜籽,苦橙皮香气风味明显,入口微甜,带有淡淡的贵族酒花香气。Classic Belgian Style Witbier, Cloudy body with intense aroma and flavor of Coriander Seed and Bitter Orange Peels. Hopped with Noble Hops.



    020之光 IPA | Pride of 020 IPA

    ABV:5.8%;IBU:50/ 原麦汁浓度 14°P

    典型美式IPA风格,凤梨,柑橘,热带水果和松木构成复杂香气,冰糖般的回甘平衡着酒花的苦度,极高的适饮度Typical American style IPA, Delivering the complex aromas of Pineapple, Citrus, Tropical Fruits and hints of Pine, Crystallized sweetness balanced with hoppy bitterness contributes the extremely high drinkability.



    耐撕荔枝 水果艾尔 | Nice Lychee Fruit Ale

    ABV: 4.5% IBU: 22

    广东最有特⾊的⽔果—荔枝作为添加的⻛味,⽆可抗拒的荔枝⾹⽓能招蜂引蝶,浅⾊轻盈的酒体注⼊了淡淡荔枝⻛味,清爽的酒体夹杂着荔枝的回味⽆穷。Signature fruit from Canton:”Lychee” is selected as the additional added.Irresistible Lychee aroma drives everyone’s attention. Bright and light color carries intense lychee flavor.Crisp and dry body with inestimable lychee after taste.



    暴风骤雨 双倍IPA | Hurricane Rainfall Double IPA

    ABV: 8.5% IBU: 80

    拾捌精酿与保霖精酿的合酿款。用了marris otter麦芽,超级多的酒花则来自南半球,澳洲和新西兰,酿造过程中不计成本的添加酒花甚至堵塞了换热板。 尼尔森苏维,哇卡图,银河,新西兰卡斯卡特,太平洋 等酒花,带来了浓郁果香,花香,白葡萄酒感,茶感,限量供应,快来感受一下酒花的暴风骤雨。Co-Brewed by No.18 brewery & Bravo, Finest Marris Otter Malt accompanied with Pacific Hop Series, over late hop addition even plugged the cool plate,Strong aroma of Tropical Fruit, and Flora, balanced with White Grape and Tea Boosted by Nelson Sauvin, Wakatu, Galaxy, NZ Cascade, and Pacific Jade. Limited Release, Try and get wet by this Hurricane Rainfall of Hops!



    生啤(6款)Drafts (6 Types)


    小气鬼南瓜塞松 | Jack Lantern Pumpkin Saison

    ABV:6% IBU:19

    酿造中加入新疆奶油小南瓜; 充满多香果,南瓜香辛料和香草的香气;南瓜和水晶麦芽的甜味伴随着琥珀色的酒体;Bravo一年一次的限定酿造款啤酒。Brewed with Small Cream Pumpkin from XinJiang;Spiced with Allspice, Pumpkin spice and Vanilla Bean; Flavored with Pumpkin and Crystal Malts balanced by the Dark Amber Body; Special Batch brewed by Bravo Once A Year.



    混沌熊猫 新英格兰IPA | Panda-monium NEIPA

    ABV: 7.0% IBU: 29

    5种酒花干投:摩西,丽影,巴伐利亚柑橘,银河和埃尔德拉多;热带水果的主香,柑橘的辅香加上松木的底香构成复杂的香气组合浑浊的外观和极佳的适饮性。Dry Hopped with Mosaic, Loral, Mandarian Bavaria, Galaxy, and El-dorado;Complex aroma combined with pine, citrus and tropical fruit;Hazy Appearance with high drinkability.



    白日梦 淡色艾尔 | Dream Catcher Pale Ale

    ABV: 4.7% IBU: 34

    充满热带水果和凤梨的香气,超高的适饮度配合着香甜怡口的回甘,模拟伦敦地区的硬水水处理突出浅色酒花啤酒的所有特性。Aroma of tropical fruit and pineapple. High drinkability with the balanced after taste. An attempt on London origin simulated water treatment contributes the characteristics of light hoppy beer.



    无限导引 酸海盐古斯 | Infinite Guide Gose

    ABV 4.6% IBU 8

    Bravo的第一款利用乳酸菌酸化麦汁,喜马拉雅盐和香菜籽去平衡风味,完全忠于传统的莱比锡古斯风格的啤酒.在国内,国外比赛获奖无数。Milestone Batch in Bravo brewing experience with kettle souring and Lactobacilus acidification, balanced with Himalayan Salts and Coriander Seeds.Entirly respect to the Historical Leipzig Gose Style.Countelss Beer Competition Awards Winner on board and oversea.



    暴雨梨花 帝国IPA | Rain Flower Imperial IPA

    ABV 9.2% IBU 132

    琥珀色的酒体,带有热带水果的香气,丰富的热情果风味,伴着水晶糖回甘平衡厚重的酒体,绵密如针在舌尖持而不散。This IIPA is full of tropical fruit aroma in amber color, with subtle passion fruit flavor and sweet aftertaste. Best enjoy Fresh!




    店庆酒 | The 3th Anniversary Special Brew

    我们将在深圳啤酒节首发我们的三周年店庆酒,敬请期待。We are gonna release the 3th anniversary special brew of Bravo during the FEST, Please feel free to join us at our Booth.

    佳卡哈精酿|Craft Head Brewing

    深圳 Shenzhen


    2014年Nick和妻子Penny决定将爱好转为事业于是创办了佳卡哈精酿。夫妻两人执迷酿造,不间断推出新的实验酒款,啤酒、苹果酒、烈酒等等。并且以使用本土以及进口原料相结合为傲。佳卡哈已经等不及要在今年啤酒节上与大家分享他们的最爱精酿!Craft Head Brewing Co started in 2014 when founders Nicholas Clark & wife Penny Peng both decided to leave the corporate world and turn a hobby into an profession. We are crazy about crafting anything that ferments and continually release new experimental styles of beer, cider, mead, and spirits proudly using both local and imported ingredients. We can’t wait to share some of our favorites with you at the SZ Craft Brew Festival!

    *Meet the Founder & Brewmaster*




    小恶魔精酿|Devils Brewing

    武汉 Wuhan


    来自中国湖北武汉的精酿啤酒品牌,以“带有中式特色的美式啤酒”来描述小恶魔最为贴切。小恶魔致力于为在美式啤酒中融入中式变化创造独特体验,保证每一杯都有美好惊喜。Devils’ Brewery is a craft beer brewery based in Wuhan, China. Best described as an “American Craft Brewery with Chinese Characteristics”, Devils aims to deliver a unique experience to its customers by blending classic American craft brews with a Chinese twist—promising an enjoyable surprise with every glass.

    *Meet the Founder & Brewmaster*今年是第三次小恶魔参加深圳啤酒节,为了庆祝第五届深圳啤酒节及和到来的朋友们聚会,我们会带来7款啤酒来与大家分享。分别是在过去的三年在我们自己品牌自营门店下销量稳居第一和第二的小恶魔淡色艾尔及龙的激情。还有一个限量的特意为啤酒节准备的酸柏林小麦,满足酸啤爱好者的你。今年如往常一样,我们的创始人兼品牌主理人May 以及联合创始人兼主酿酒师Taylor 会共同参与此次啤酒节,和在场的每一位分享我们的啤酒和创业历程。This is Devils Brewery third year attending the Shenzhen beer festival and to celebrate we are bringing 7 beers to share. Our flagships, include the Dirty Devils Pale ale and the Dragons Passion, which are far and away our two best selling beers at our two tap houses in Wuhan. However some beers will be in limited quantities like the Sour “Berrylin” Wheat, so make sure to grab a try while supplies last. This year in attendance our founder May will be pouring beers along with the Devil’s brewer Taylor.


    小恶魔淡色艾尔 | Dirty Devils Pale Ale




    风味标签说明:口感顺滑,双次干投,酒花带来柑橘和西柚香气 低苦度清香型。

    Notes: American Pale Ale, Creamy Mouthfeel, Double Dry Hopped, Tropical Fruit, Orange, Grapefruit


    龙的激情 | Dragons Passion




    Notes: American Wheat, Light and Refreshing, Tropical Fruit Giving the Beer its Signature Color

    女神IPA | Milkshake Goddess IPA


    原麦汁浓度OG: 16

    风味标签说明 口感顺滑,三次干投,酒花带来椰子,灌木, 香草的香气

    Notes: Triple Dry Hopped, Creamy Mouthfeel, Coconut, Woody, Vanilla


    清欢皮尔森 | Easy Going Pilsner


    原麦汁浓度OG: 15

    风味标签说明 口感干爽,低苦度清香型

    Notes: Crisp, Refreshing, Light Hop Aroma

    酸柏林小麦 | The Sour “Berrylin” Wheat

    苦度IBU 8酒精度ABV 4.9%

    风味标签说明 口感干爽,酸,蓝莓,黑加仑

    Notes: Sour, Dry, Crisp, Refreshing, Blueberry, Black Currant


    小恶魔的酸与咸 | The Salty Devil Gose

    苦度IBU 8
    酒精度ABV 5.5%

    风味标签说明 双次干投, 口感干爽,酸,咸, 热带水果

    Notes: Double Dry Hopped, Sour, Salty, Refreshing, Tropical Fruits


    欲火中烧的恶魔 IPA | Horny Devil IPA



    原麦汁浓度OG: 15

    风味标签说明 口感顺滑,三次干投,酒花带来柠檬和番木瓜的香气

    Notes: Triple Dry Hopped, Creamy Mouthfeel, Lemon, Lime Citrus, Papaya

    拾捌精酿| No. 18 Brewing




    Founded in 2013, No.18 Brewing & Co. is one of the earliest craft breweries in China. With standardized management, we have grown from a small pub (No.18 brewpub) into a leading craft brewery in China.Our chief brewer Jiang Qi is the first Chinese person to win a gold medal in International Beer Cup (IBC). He is also a BJCP certified judge.Our craft beers such as TiaoDongWho IPA, which is brewed to commemorate the youth activities in Wuhan, and FilmG Milk Stout, the first domestic beer with nitrogen gas in China, have been widely loved by beer enthusiasts.From the beginning, our goal has been to let more Chinese experience the charm of craft beer, and we have maintained an unwavering commitment to unique brewing.While beverage giants are duplicating the formula one after another, and social stars are popping up each day, we are firmly stick to the pioneering spirit of rivers and lakes flowing in our blood.


    酒头 | ON DRAFT红莓知己 古斯龙之蜜 蜂蜜拉格紫醉金迷 桑葚咖啡塞松跳东湖 IPA罐装 | Cans跳东湖 IPA不接受批评 社交IPA血滴子 帝国世涛武麦随便先生红莓知己 古斯龙之蜜 蜂蜜拉格紫醉金迷 桑葚咖啡塞松







    E.T. 精酿|E.T. Brewery

    深圳 Shenzhen


    E.T.名字的是由两位中国创始人Erique和Terry名字的首字母组合而成。E.T成立于2016年,从一个小型精酿酒吧迅速壮大成长为深圳领先的精酿酒厂。他们的啤酒名字都带有外星色彩,从愤怒的外星人-一款经典双倍IPA, 到更多实验性质的酒款,比如: 任意门-一款深色酸 IPA.

    Taking its name from the two Chinese founders, Erique and Terry, E.T. was founded in 2016 and has developed into one of the leading breweries in Shenzhen, growing from a brewpub to a full-fledged production brewery. Their beer names often take on an extra-terrestrial inspiration, from Angry Alien, a classic Double IPA, to more experimental brews like Anywhere Door, a black sour IPA.

    *Meet the Founder & Brewmaster*




    生啤 Drafts


    红色星环 混合莓椰子古斯 (8×8合酿款)/ Red Halo Berry Gose



    云和雨林 猕猴桃皮尔森 / Cloud & Forest Kiwi Pils



    S博士 美式IPA / Doctor S American IPA



    古代轮盘 咖啡波特 / Ancient Roulette Latte Porter



    白色悬崖 椰子小麦 / White Cliff Coconut Wheat



    杨桃超新星 古斯 / Starfrunova Gose



    罐装 Cans


    愤怒外星人 双倍IPA / Angry Alien Double IPA



    随意门 美式IPA / Anywhere Door American IPA



    火星郊游 全日IPA / Mars Fieldtrip All Day IPA



    白雪 德式小麦 / Snow White Hefeweizen


    半吨精酿|Half Ton Brewery

    深圳 Shenzhen



    Founded in 2016, Half Ton Brewery by Ma Jingxuan and the brewer Jiang Lei are committed to create “Shenzhen local craft beer”. In the recent CCBA beer competition, Half Ton won two gold medals as the first time entering the competition.
    Half Ton is not only about beers, but also the Half Ton people’s attitude towards beers.

    *Meet the Founder & Brewmaster*


    1.深圳热 古斯 ABV:5.9%在酸的基础上融入了辣椒的增味,在咽下后会有辣椒带来的温热感;
    2.水果维他命 古斯 ABV:5.8%在酿造过程中加入了大量的新鲜蔓越莓,黑加仑进入酿造过程当中;
    3.半吨IPA IPA ABV:6.5%丰富强烈的酒花香气
    4.易燃易爆炸 浑浊IPA ABV:8.1%

    SPECIAL 苹果派赛松 赛松Saison



    京A精酿啤酒|Jing A Brewing

    北京 Beijing



    Founded in Beijing by long-time friends Kris and Alex, 京A is a brewery in constant motion. We’re obsessed with hunting down rare ingredients and unexpected flavors to brew our beers, ranging from twists on classic styles to curious experiments and inspiring collaborations with breweries from around the world.

    Our goal is to make beer we’re damn proud of – beer that pushes the envelope, celebrates its roots, and changes perceptions of Chinese brewing worldwide.


    1. 工人淡色啤酒 | WORKER’S PALE ALE 5% | 40 IBU
    A full-flavored American Pale Ale for the Beijing working man. Pronounced notes of grapefruit and pine resin greet the palate, with moderate hop bitterness supported by a backbone of pale and specialty malts.
    *Gold-International Beer Cup 2017*Gold-Brussels Beer Challenge 2017*Bronze- Brussels Beer Challenge 2018

    2.土豪金比尔森 | TUHAO GOLD PILSNER 5% | 30 IBU清澈透亮的波西米亚比尔森啤酒,采取草本味十足的萨兹酒花和果味浓烈的新世界酒花,搭配烘焙麦芽,酿造出独一无二的金色酒体与清新的口感,后味微苦且清爽,让我们一起和土豪做朋友吧!*2017年国际啤酒大赛银奖
    Our crisp Bohemian-style Pilsner showcases the beautiful in- terplay between lightly toasted malt and aromatic hops. Pours a brilliant golden color and opens up with spicy and herbal Saaz and fruity New World hops. The gently sweet palate of Pilsner malt is matched by medium bitterness and a clean, refreshing finish.
    *Silver International Beer Cup 2017

    3. 阿白小麦 | MANDARIN WHEAT 4.8% | 15 IBU
    A Belgian Wit, Beijing-style. Pours hazy yellow with plenty of fluffy white head and bright aromas of mandarin orange and coriander seed. On the palate, the mild sweetness of the light grains blend with notes of earthy spice and fresh citrus, ending with a zesty dry finish.

    4. 飞拳 IPA | FLYING FIST IPA 6.5% | 60 IBU
    Our flagship American IPA is abundantly dry-hopped with Citra and Simcoe for an intense burst of tropical fruit aromas, including passionfruit and pineapple. Pale malts set the stage for flavors of fresh pine and zesty citrus, accentuated by a smooth mouthfeel, medium bitterness, and a crisp finish. A favorite among hop-heads, this beer is our go-to IPA for all occasions.
    *Bronze Medal – Asia Beer Cup 2014/2015,
    *Bronze Medal – International Beer Cup 2016

    Our hazy, unfiltered tribute to the city we know and love and to the people who, whether it’s a blue-sky day or a no-sky day, make it so great. Intensely kettle and dry hopped, this Double IPA opens up with layer upon layer of citrus, pine needle, and stone fruit aromas. A mix of specialty malts lends a rich mouthfeel and helps carry dank flavors of pine resin, grapefruit, and peach, closing out with a dry finish. Enjoy indoors, with windows shut, and revel in this beer with an ABV and IBU that are truly ‘beyond index’.
    *Gold Medal – International Beer Cup 2017

    6. 百香果很忙 | DEATH BY PASSIONFRUIT4.2% | 40 IBU
    一款充满新鲜百香果的稻黄色啤酒。这种啤酒干投了大量的酒花,散发出浓郁的啤酒花芳香,同时平衡了热带水果的酸味。A straw-colored hazy pale ale infused with fresh passionfruit. This beer was heavily dry-hopped to impart juicy hop aromas and flavors that can stand up to the fruit’s tropical tartness.

    7. 艺妓的胭脂 | KOJI RED ALE 5.5% | 25 IBU一款实验性艾尔啤酒,运用中国黄酒和日本清酒酿制过程中常用的红色麴米搭配传统啤酒麦芽共同发酵而成,颜色宛如艺妓表演化妆的红色胭脂,散发着浓郁的木质自然香气。少量添加的山葵根、老姜混合出带有大地泥土和草本气息,加上酒花的微苦味道,使得这款酒味感丰富,层次清晰。An experimental ale brewed with red koji rice, an ingredient traditionally used in the production of Chinese Huangjiu and Japanese Sake. The addition of koji rice to the mash imparts a blushing red color and woody, barrel-like notes. Subtle additions of wasabi root, ginger, and moderate bitterness from earthy and herbal hops round out the palate of this unique and complex beer.

    鲸酿|Jing Niang Brewery

    新乡 Xinxiang


    鲸酿,成立于2013年,是中原地区首家精酿啤酒厂牌。鲸酿团队始终坚持使用一流的酿造原料,来酿制风格各异的一杯杯佳酿。目前,鲸酿啤酒已经覆盖了全国50+个城市和地区。“让更多的人,遇见更好喝的啤酒”是我们坚持不变的理想,不敢违背的初心。Jing Niang, founded in 2013, imports the finest ingredients from all over the world to brew different types of craft beer. Jing Niang has seen continual growth in popularity and customer satisfaction over the years. Currently, we supply our high quality brews all across China.

    *Meet the Founder*




    瓶装 / Bottles 1.

    开放水域IPA | Open Water IPA


    风格:Session IPA(社交型IPA)

    原麦汁浓度:12.9 P 酒精度:5.2 ABV 苦度:23 IBU开放水域IPA精选100%比利时麦芽酿制而成,4款极具特点的香型酒花,为啤酒带来丰富的果香味。倒入杯中泡沫细腻持久,浓郁的热带水果香味喷涌而出。少量烘烤麦芽提升了酒体的厚度与层次感。较低的苦度值大大增加了IPA的适饮性。作为一款Session IPA , 开放水域既是鲸酿爱好者的入坑神器,也是老炮们的完美口粮。

    命名概念:“开放水域”是潜水初级课程,潜水员必须完成开放水域课程的考核才能探索海底世界。我们希望更多的消费者通过这款酒打开精酿啤酒的世界。同时,初次在水下呼吸难免会有紧张、刺激的感觉。就像是初次尝试 IPA 的消费者会觉得苦一样。我们希望借此概念在开放水域 IPA 中表达“探索“”未知““冒险“的相关概念,鼓励消费者勇于尝试。



    满月派对 | Full Moon Party


    风格:Pear Cider(西打酒)

    酒精度:6.0 ABV 苦度:0 IBU


    命名概念:“满月派对”原意指的是在东南亚一些海岛上,每到满月的时候就会举办的大型 Party。也有科学研究发现,海洋动物在满月时会更多的捕食和交配的行为。这里代指水下狂欢。3.

    奇幻丛林 | Fantasy Jungle


    风格:Fruity Wheat Beer(水果小麦啤酒)

    原麦汁浓度:12.9 P 酒精度:5.1 ABV 苦度:9 IBU


    4.暗夜精灵 | Night Elf原料:水、麦芽、啤酒花、酵母、榛子、咖啡豆风格:Porter Beer(波特啤酒)原麦汁浓度:13.8 P 酒精度:5.5 ABV 苦度:12 IBU


    生啤 / DRAFTS 1.开放水域IPA | Open Water IPA原料:水、麦芽、啤酒花、酵母风格:Session IPA(社交型IPA)原麦汁浓度:12.9 P 酒精度:5.2 ABV 苦度:23 IBU
    开放水域IPA精选100%比利时麦芽酿制而成,4款极具特点的香型酒花,为啤酒带来丰富的果香味。倒入杯中泡沫细腻持久,浓郁的热带水果香味喷涌而出。少量烘烤麦芽提升了酒体的厚度与层次感。较低的苦度值大大增加了IPA的适饮性。作为一款Session IPA , 开放水域既是鲸酿爱好者的入坑神器,也是老炮们的完美口粮。
    2.满月派对 | Full Moon Party原料:100%天然梨汁风格:Pear Cider(西打酒) 酒精度:6.0 ABV 苦度:0 IBU
    3.奇幻丛林 | Fantasy Jungle原料:水、麦芽、啤酒花、酵母、菠萝风格:Fruity Wheat Beer(水果小麦啤酒)原麦汁浓度:12.9 P 酒精度:5.1 ABV 苦度:9 IBU
    4. 52赫兹浑浊IPA | 52HZ Hazy IPA原料:水、麦芽、啤酒花、酵母风格:Hazy IPA(浑浊IPA)原麦汁浓度:13.2 P酒精度:5.4 ABV 苦度:12 IBU这款浑浊IPA使用新西兰啤酒花酿造而成。色泽厚重、金黄,泡沫细腻丰富,香气浓郁且富有层次。三款不同的新西兰啤酒花相互融合、各自平衡,入口后多种香气迸发回环于口腔,苦度更加内敛,留香于齿间,闭上眼仿佛感受到南半球太平洋海岛的沿岸流带起海浪轻轻拍击着海岸。

    狮猫精酿|Lion Cat Brewery

    烟台 Yantai



    Yantai Tongxin Winery company Ltd., is a modern enterprise specializing in the production of wine and craft beer. The concept of Lion Cat brand of beer comes from the national animal Linqing lion cat, meaning with wild and gentle, passionate and creative. Series of Lion Cat craft beer carefully brewed by the Lion Cat team are innovated, unique and bring happy tongue experience to beer lovers. The Lion Cat craft beer received the national SC certification and came to the market in August 2015. Consumers are easily to enjoy healthy and different styles of Lion cat fresh beer.

    *Meet the Founder & Brewmaster*


    1. 新英格兰IPA美国进口特色酒花,给狮猫浑浊IPA带来浓郁的芒果、西柚、柑橘等热带水果香气,苦味稍纵即逝,入口丝滑。
    3.苹果起泡酒以驰名中外的烟台苹果为原料,利用法国进口酵母运用先进的发酵工艺低温发酵而成,苹果起泡酒因其酸甜的口感,较低的酒精度,舒适的杀口力适用于以下场合:1.餐前开胃酒首选;2.不善饮酒人士.原料:100%苹果汁 酒精度:3.9%vol;
    4.狮猫七号 狮猫七号是彰显爱达荷7号(Idaho 7)酒花特点的单一酒花IPA,酿造过程中通过对酒花添加工艺和多种麦芽搭配的精心设计,该款酒爱达荷7号酒花所特有的菠萝、木瓜等水果香气得到完美表现,酒体柔顺丰满、平衡协调,值得您去细细品味、发挥想象。
    5.圣格纳草莓啤酒比利时小麦+全红草莓汁悦人的色彩 浓郁的草莓香,唇齿之间 久久难忘

    大九酿造|Maha Nine Brewing

    呼和浩特 Hohhot


    大九酿造孕育于2015年,大九二字取自呼和浩特大召寺山门二匾大召无量寺和九边第一泉各取一字,名为大九。2018年精酿啤酒厂正式投入运营,开启了大九酿造商业化酿造的第一步。作为呼和浩特第一家取得合法生产资质的精酿酒厂,我们专注啤酒的本质,本土化酿造,传播精酿啤酒文化,让精酿啤酒在呼和浩特生根发芽,和本土文化碰撞出创意。重新定义本土精酿啤酒。Maha Nine Brewing was conceived in 2015, the words “Da Jiu” are taken from the two tablets of the mountain gate of the Da Zhao temple in Hohhot and the first spring of the nine edge, named “Maha Nine Brewing “. In 2018, the Maha Nine Brewing was officially put into operation, marking the first step in the commercial Maha Nine Brewing. As the first craft brewery in Hohhot to obtain the legal production qualification, we focus on the essence of beer, local brewing, and spread the culture of craft beer, so that we can let craft beer take root and germinate in Hohhot, collision with local culture out of creativity, and redefine homegrown craft beer.

    *Meet the Founder*


    本次啤酒节大九醸造将带来八款不同风格的酒,并在第一天就会全部发售。The festival will feature eight different styles of beer, all of which will go on sale on the first day.
    1.九万盛乐血橙IPA | SanHigh blood orange IPAABV/4.3% IBU/15完美的解决了果汁型IPA香精味道浓重的问题,血橙的香气和西楚酒花的 霸道香气完美结合让你意犹未尽。It perfectly solves the problem of strong flavor of juice IPA essence, the perfect combination of blood orange aroma and the dominant aroma of Citra hops will make you want more.

    2.无量美式小麦 | Boundless American wheatABV/5.2% IBU/20 以德式小麦打底,优化干投酒花工艺成为点睛之笔,酒花的香气干净柔和却不失清冽,小麦特有的回甘,支撑整体酒的风味。Using German wheat as the base and optimizing the dry throwing process of hops to become the finishing touch, hops have a clean and soft aroma without loosing the cool, and the unique sweetness of wheat supports the overall flavor of the wine.

    3.浑玉浑浊IPA | Jade New England IPAABV/7.0% IBU/38作为大九酿造的第一款浑浊IPA,稳定的浑浊度让酒体像浑玉一样有质感,酒花香气持久饱满又富有层次, 收口时的回甘使嗅觉和味蕾感受到连贯的热带水果气息,一滴入魂。 As the first New England IPA brewed by Mahanine, the stable turbidity gives the body a texture like that of muddy jade, and the hops aroma is full and layered for a long time. The sweetness at the end of the mouth makes the smell and taste buds feel the continuous breath of tropical fruits, with one drop enters the soul.

    4.杭盖双倍IPA | Hanggai double IPAABV/7.0% IBU/30美式风格和新世界风格的完美搭配,更厚实的酒体和更高的酒精度。比例不是很好的结晶麦芽所带来的不可发酵糖,让酒体更加饱满,同时很好的平衡了苦度。The perfect combination of American style and new world style, has a heavier body and higher alcohol. The unfermentable sugar from the crystal malt makes the beer more full-bodied and balances the bitterness well.

    5.八拜酸IPA | Eightbai Sour IPAABV/3.9 IBU/N/A诱人的色泽,西楚酒花的干投所带来的热带水果香气,酸感适中,乳酸带来的香气和酒花混合,以及收尾时麦芽的香气,非常平衡。让你从视觉到嗅觉再到味觉,体验一场全感官盛宴。With attractive color, tropical fruit aroma from the dry hop of Citra, moderate acidity, lactic acid aroma mixed with hops, and a well-balanced finish with malt aroma, it brings you a feast of all senses from sight to smell to taste.

    6.白塔柏林酸小麦 | White Tower Berlin WeisseABV/3.6% IBU/N/A 以我们呼和浩特市地标命名的一款酸小麦,乳酸菌接种酸化麦汁,酸度非常舒适,干投酒花带来的香气与乳酸味道平衡了酒体。A sour wheat named after our Hohhot landmark, lactic acid bacteria acidify wort, the acidity is very comfortable, and the dry hop balance the wine with lactic acid flavors.

    7.西柚世界IPA | Grapefruit World IPAABV/4.3% IBU/10 OG/9.8P果汁感很强的一款果汁IPA,西柚香气非常浓郁,酒体轻盈易饮,收口时的甜平衡了西柚自身的苦,让你沉浸在西柚的世界里无法自拔。A juice IPA with a strong sense of juice, grapefruit has a very strong aroma, with light body and easy to drink. The sweet finish balances the bitter taste of grapefruit and makes you immersed in the world of grapefruit.

    8.热带共和海盐古斯 | Tropical Republic Salt Gose ABV/4.2% IBU/5 OG/10.6P柠檬与百香果的加入,香气十足,果汁感十足。选用夏洛酒花,它本身带来的酸橙、菠萝,以及它独特的椰奶味道,在肉桂的点睛之笔下完美融合,在收口后酒花的香气仿佛让你行走在热带岛屿之上。
    Lemon and passion fruit join, aroma is full, juice feeling is full. Citra, with its lime, pineapple, and coconut milk flavors, is a perfect blend of cinnamon punches, and after finishing, the aroma of charlotteshop makes you walk on a tropical island.

    高大师啤酒|Master Gao

    南京 Nanjing


    南京高大师啤酒有限公司创始于2008年,拥有精酿啤酒品牌“高大师”(Master Gao),是中国第一家精酿啤酒酿造企业,也是中国精酿啤酒运动的主力倡导者。Founded in March 2008, Master Gao Brewing co. is the first craft brewery in China. It is the owner of brand names such as Master Gao, Oktoberfest, Baby IPA, Mad Ting, etc.

    *Meet the Founder*


    -1-生啤+瓶装系列 / Drafts + Bottles1.婴儿肥印度淡色艾尔 | Baby IPA酒精度:≥5.2% , 苦味值:26 IBU2013年首次推出,成为中国早期瓶装精酿啤酒,它为中国精酿啤酒的规模化生产和流通闯出了一条新路,已成为传奇。起源于19世纪的英国古典风格, 带有柑橘和花香。
    2.婴儿肥茉莉花茶拉格 | Baby Jasmine Tea lager酒精度:≥4.8%, 苦味值:28 IBU入口酒花的苦味及回甘使这款酒极具适饮性,经过长时间低温贮存获得干净口感加上茉莉花茶的清新的香味,成就了这一款独特的中国风拉格啤酒,在品尝的瞬间回想起发源南京的那首《茉莉花》。婴儿肥桂花淡色艾尔 Baby Osmanthus pale ale酒精度:≥ 4.5%vol 苦味值:15 IBU桂花淡色艾尔采用冷翠天然桂花酿制而成。在原有的啤酒花香淡去的一刻,引爆新鲜桂花味道,更增加了啤酒中浓郁的蜜味。
    3.鸟岛 | Birdland酒精度:≥5.2%, 苦味:27 IBU一款风靡全球的浑浊IPA,投入了大量的燕麦和小麦,酒体如橙汁般醇厚顺滑;双倍干投两种亚热带水果香气酒花,果香味四溢,回味无穷。月蚀 Lunar Eclipse酒精度:≥10% , 苦味值:60 IBU月蚀帝国世涛是一款给予你纯粹的味蕾体验的世涛。醇香的咖啡柔和了纯纯的黑巧克力味道,具有11%的酒精度,无论是从哪个方面都给你带来快乐气氛。建议与BBQ或者蓝芝士等集合略重的食物佐饮。您可以尝试来一块提拉米苏或者香草冰淇淋相伴而饮。


    生啤系列 / DRAFTS 1.猛丁 | Mad TingABV: ≥ 8.7% IBU: 55猛丁类似美式IPA但口味偏甜,是采用单一西楚啤酒花酿制的艾尔。入口饱满,酒花香气浓郁。是一款酒精度达到大麦红葡萄酒范围,苦味值达到55BU的重口味啤酒。猛丁以西楚啤酒花的发明人,国际著名华人科学家丁泸平博士而命名。
    2.爆炒米香槟 | Puffed Rice Chinese Pale AleABV: ≥ 7.8% IBU: 16结合干性和可饮用性的香槟酒与NE IPA普遍的柑橘香味的一种全新的IPA。淡金色,酒体有些许朦胧感。中等大小的白色泡沫,中等的泡持性。
    3.太平洋匹尔森 | Pacific PilsnerABV: ≥ 4.5% IBU: 24对新西兰比尔森啤酒的当代解读。使用有青柠檬味的新西兰莫提卡和葡萄味的哈拉道布兰科,将这种清爽的淡色啤酒推向了极致。
    4.南京黑 | Nanjing BlackABV: ≥ 4.5% IBU: 18波希米亚(现代捷克)的一种典型的黑色下层发酵啤酒,具有独特的麦芽复杂性和高饮用性。复杂的黑巧克力、拿铁、焦糖、朗姆酒和葡萄干的香气。没有啤酒花香气。

    蜜蜜啤|MiMi Beer

    香港 Hongkong


    蜜蜜啤香港釀造,屬於熊貓蜜語旗下產品。Liz 是熊貓蜜語的創辦人和熊貓蜜蜜的創作者,Tomy FONG 是精釀啤酒大師及國際級啤酒評審。Liz 和 Tomy 同樣對精釀啤酒充滿熱情,並於 2016 年協作創造蜜蜜啤。Liz 負責打造品牌和市場營銷方面的籌劃和創意工作,而 Tomy 專注於創作私密配方,以獨特的啤酒口味風格、品質,以教育市場推廣手工啤酒,在云云產品中創造蜜蜜啤的獨特性。 Craft MiMi Beer is brewed in Hong Kong under the brand, Honey Panda’s Greetings(HPG). Ms Liz is the founder of HPG & creator of Panda MiMi. Mr Tomy FONG is acraft beer master & international beer judge. Liz & Tomy are both with hugepassion in craft beer and collaborate for Craft MiMi Beer in 2016. Liz takes care ofcreative works for brand building and marketing while Tomy focuses on creatingthe secret recipes which differentiates itself with the unique beer taste & quality.

    *Meet the Founder Tomy FONG*


    蜜蜜®啤背后的大师 方启聪 Tomy FONG

    本地及海外酿造事务总监 蜜蜜®啤

    Tomy Fong 是香港首位获 BJCP“认可”资格的啤酒评审,致力于向大众推广啤 酒品尝文化。

    是一位无论在香港或到海外也是精酿啤酒行业的 KOL。他拥有许多国际级啤酒 赛事的评审经验。










    Tomy Fong

    Local & Overseas Brewing Affairs Director MiMi® Beer

    Tomy Fong is the first “Certified” BJCP Beer Judge in Hong Kong who endeavors to educate public about beer tasting culture. A KOL in the craft beer sector from HK to foreign countries. He had beer judging experience in many international beer competitions.

    World Beer Awards

    Barcelona Beer Challenge

    The London and South East Craft Brewing Competition Shanghai International Craft Beer Competition Singapore Home Brew Charity Cup

    Hong Kong International Beer Awards

    He is also a book writer and Co-founder of Tasting Trendies Beer Guide. Besides, he is a wine consultant, International Kikisake-shi (sake sommelier) and Whisky Ambassador.



    蜜蜜®啤-波特啤酒 | MiMi® Beer Porter

    超 48 秒余韵 材料:麦芽、啤酒花、水、酵母 6% ABV

    Over 48 seconds aftertaste

    Ingredients: Malted Barley, Hops, Water, Yeast 6% ABV


    麦芽、咖啡、拖肥糖的复杂香气,中等酒体夹杂着草青、土壤、啤酒花的味道 卓越的平衡、可饮性高,超 48 秒余韵!建议可配朱古力系甜品

    Tomy’s Tasting Note

    Complex aroma of malt, coffee, toffee. Medium body with grassy, earthy, hoppy flavor. Extraordinary balance & drinkability. Over 48 seconds aftertaste! Perfect with dessert of chocolate.


    草青、土壤带轻甜味道… 令人联想到大自然的熊猫——品牌主角《蜜蜜®》和 她至爱的竹叶丶天然甜味。佳作!

    Product Story

    Grassy, earthy balance with little sweetness flavor to associate with brand character “Honey Panda MiMi®” from nature; her beloved bamboo & natural sweetness. A Masterpiece!

    2. 蜜蜜®啤-果汁果汁 IPA | MiMi® Beer Juicy Juicy IPA超馥郁果汁感 材料:麦芽、啤酒花、水、酵母 6% ABVIngredients:Malted Barley, Hops, Water, Yeast 6% ABV方启聪品酒笔记 丰富的甜橙、西柚、柠檬等柑橘类尤如果汁糖般浓郁的香气,果味丰富,果汁 感明显,带有一丝丝橙皮、柚皮的味道。令人惊讶! 建议可搭配火锅或辛辣的料 理。Tomy’s Tasting NoteFull of citrus fruit drops aroma, such as sweet orange, grapefruit and lemon. Very fruity and juicy, combined with hints of orange and grapefruit skin flavor. Amazing! Suggest to pair with hotpot or spicy dishes.产品故事 只吃纯天然食材的品牌主角熊猫《蜜蜜®》除了爱竹叶,还爱吃富含清香天然 甜味的果物作小吃。如果汁糖般浓郁的香气和口感能逗她开怀畅饮!Product StoryOur brand character Panda MiMi® only like natural food. Apart from bamboo, she also likes fresh fruit. Drinks with rich fruit drops-like aroma & mouthfeel can make her feel so good!

    3.蜜蜜®啤-花园 IPA | MiMi® Beer Garden IPA材料:麦芽、啤酒花、水、酵母 6.8% ABVPair with greasy foodsIngredients:Malted Barley, Hops, Water, Yeast 6.8% ABV方启聪品酒笔记 散发新鲜云呢拿和怡人花香,入口幼滑、口感清新爽口,夹杂着松木、烤面包 的味道,适量的香料味道衬托出 IPA 独特的结实苦味。建议可配搭脂肪丰富、 味道浓郁的食物如牛扒、汉堡包、羊架…Tomy’s Tasting NoteFresh vanilla and floral aroma, smooth & refreshing, complex flavor of pine, toasty and spicy to balance the bitterness of an IPA. Suggest to pair with rich fatty dishes such as steak, burger, lamb rack…产品故事 春雨绵绵中怡人花香吸引了原居大自然的品牌主角熊猫《蜜蜜®》走进园林弄 花赏木,在湿润氛围中特备清新爽口的蜜蜜®啤,给她醒胃提神!Product StoryIn a warm Spring rainy day, brand character Panda MiMi® who’s from nature was attracted by fresh floral aroma and then goes into a GARDEN. In such humidity atmosphere, a tasty MiMi® Beer is the best refreshment to her.

    水猴子精酿|Myth Monkey Beer

    芜湖 Wuhu


    水猴子精酿啤酒成立于2015年,是一家专注桶装精酿生啤的独立啤酒厂。拥有生产许可证SC 和自主酿造厂,酿造厂位于安徽芜湖。一家相信美好世界靠自己双手创造的品牌,一个善于发现并实践“生活美学”的品牌。现合作商户立足华东、覆盖全国。旗下“橘十四小麦”、“套路IPA ”、“拿铁世涛”等系列生啤产品受到众多精酿爱好者的支持和喜爱。Founded in 2015, MYTHMONKEY BEER is an independent brewery specializing in barreled craft draftbeer.It has a productionlicense SC and an autonomous brewing plant located in Wuhu, Anhui. Nowthe cooperative merchants are based in East China and cover the whole country.The series of draft beer products such as “Orange 14 Wheat”, “TAOLUIPA” and “Latte Stout” are supported and loved by many craftsmen.

    *Meet the Founder*


    1.橘十四 比利时小麦 | Orange 14 酒精度ABV:5% 苦度IBU:8酒体清爽、泡沫丰满厚实;南方蜜橘的新鲜和清新感扑面而来;带有轻微酥松的小麦味,不喧宾夺主的芫荽籽辛香味A Belgian style wit made on February 14th with a cloudy body and rich foams,not only delivering the tradition aroma of coriander seeds and orange peel, but also added the tangerine peels “陈皮” from souther China.

    2. 白酒布朗尼 帝国世涛Baijiu Brownie Imperial Stout酒精度ABV:8% 苦度IBU:36我们使用了7种不同的麦芽,还投放了大量的燕麦、可可豆和香草酱,点睛之笔是最后酿酒师混调了洞藏6年以上的五粮原浆白酒!喝的每一口都像是在吃一块可口的布朗尼!We used 7 different malts and also put a lot of oatmeal, cocoa and vanilla sauce.The finishing touch is that the last winemaker mixed up the Wuliang puree liquor that has been in the cave for more than 6 years!Every bite is like eating a delicious brownie!

    3.套路双倍IPA | TAO LU IPA酒精度ABV:8.5% 苦度IBU:55出其不意的芬芳果香加上意想不到的酒精含量,很快让你深陷美式酒花的泥沼,不能自拔。Surprisingly full of tropical fruits and grassy hoppy aroma unconsciously drag you into the trap of a ABV 78.5% contemporary Double IPA

    4·桃汽 西打 | Peach Cider酒精度ABV:5%100%新鲜蜜桃与苹果汽酒的完美融合,跳跃迸发的杀口感,好喝在齿间绽放
    The perfect blend of 100% fresh peaches and apple sparkling wine, jumping to burst into the murderous taste, good to drink in the teeth.

    5·魂 浑浊IPA H | UN NEIPA酒精度ABV:8.2% 苦度IBU:N/A“魂”的颜值和口感上都很像一杯富有热带气息的果汁。
    这款无任何过滤的“魂”伴随少量酒花和悬浮的酵母 ,散发出啤酒花最原始的香味,淡淡的苦味和软绵的口感,饮起来极其畅爽。这种未经雕琢的真实味道,正是“魂”的魅力所在。The “HUN” looks and tastes like a tropical juice.This “HUN” without any filtration, accompanied by a small amount of hops and suspended yeast, exudes the most original aroma of hops, a subtle bitterness and a soft mouthfeel, which makes it extremely refreshing.This unscented true taste is the charm of the “HUN”.

    苹朝|Ping Dynasty

    北京 Beijing



    Ping Dynasty Cider Brewing Co. was established in 2017 by three cider enthusiasts in Beijing who share the love for cider. We accepted the challenge of taking a traditional western cider and changing it for Chinese tastes

    *Meet the Founder*



    1. 苹果脆西打 | Crisp Apple Cider

    2.杨梅甜西打 | Sweet Yangmei Cider

    3.桑椹干西打 | Dry Mulberry Cider

    4.桶装鲜西打 | Draft Cider

    山海酿造|SunHigh Brewery

    深圳 Shenzhen


    *Meet the Founder & Brewmaster*





    美西啤酒|Wild West Brewing

    成都 Chengdu


    成都市美西啤酒酿造有限公司于2016年创建,落地于成都邛崃,所用酿造原料均选用优质进口麦芽、酒花、酵母,并结合邛崃当地优质的水源,力求为酿酒爱好者提供最高品质,最新鲜,具有当地特色的精酿啤酒。美西啤酒创始人是一对夫妻档–Scott和CarolHunt. Scott来自于美国西部的犹他州,Carol来自于中国西部的四川省,“美西”的名字就因此而来。美西啤酒将先进的西方酿酒工艺与当地传统风味有机结合,创造出独树一帜的啤酒风格,我们的啤酒平衡,干净,同时又具有吸引大众的独特口感。Established in 2016 in Qionglai-Chengdu, Wild West Brewing utilizes the best local andimported ingredients, bringing to the people of Sichuan and Greater China thehighest quality Fresh, Local, Independent Craft Beer.Co-foundersare the husband and wife team of Scott and Carol Hunt. Scott hails from Utah inthe Wild West of the USA; Carol is from Sichuan in the Wild West of China.At WildWest, we combine disciplined Western brewing methods with local flavors tocreate both top quality traditional and specialty beer styles. Our beers areclean and well balanced with unique flavor profiles that appeal to the masses.

    *Meet the Founder & Brewmaster*美西啤酒酿酒师Scott和主理人Carol将出席本次啤酒酒,为大家带来8款超棒的美西啤酒。

    Wild West Founders Scott (Brewmaster) and Carol (Boss) will be present and we will be bringing 8 amazing Wild West beers to Shenzhen.




    Three New Beers this year include 2 sour ales and 1 new NEIPA.

    全新 酸啤 New Sour Beers:

    • Wild Master Sour Haze IPA, 6.0% and 12 IBU’s: Wild West x Young Master Collaboration

    • Love Potion #8, 4.8% and 5.5 IBU’s: This is a Raspberry-Dragonfruit Berliner Weisse.

    全新 新英格兰 IPANew NEIPA:

    • Wild and Hazy Dream NEIPA, 6.8% and 33 IBU’s. Wild West x Dream Brewers Collaboration

    酒头供应 | On Tap

    酒头 Tap 1

    两款新英格兰IPA will be alternating 2 NEIPA’s:

    1. Cloud 9 IPA, 6.9% and 43 IBU’s: Wild West’s Flagship Beer, our Cloud 9 is our famous smooth and easy drinking hazy brew. Heavily Whirlpool and Double Dry hopped to showcase Citrus and Stone Fruit hop flavors, not bitterness.

    2. Wild and Hazy Dream IPA, 6.8% and 33 IBU’s: Brewed in the NEIPA style but utilizing 5 varieties of Traditional West Coast “C” Hops to create and East meets West hybrid. Hazy and Juicy Fruity but also Danky Delicious!

    酒头Tap 2

    双料IPA will be Double IPA:

    Double Hoppiness DIPA, 8.1% and 73 IBU’s: Mosaic and Simcoe hops are the dominators creating tropical and citrus flavors up front with a background of pine resin. An aggressive fermentation creates a beautifully dry finish for easy drinkability in a big beer.

    酒头 Tap 3

    3款美西经典啤酒 will be alternating 3 Wild West Classic Beers:

    1. China White Sichuan Pepper Witbier, 5.2% and 14 IBU’s: This is our Sichuan Special! Green Sichuan Pepper and Coriander blend together seamlessly plus local Sichuan Orange Peel adds a bit of citrus zip! The result is a light, fragrant, highly refreshing and flavorful brew.

    2. Moral Crisis XPA, 5.4% and 35 IBU’s: Moral Crisis is an American Extra Pale Ale. The beer is extra pale in color from the use of lighter colored barley malts and is extra hopped featuring Mosaic and Loral (Moral) hop varieties. The lighter malt backbone allows the hops to really shine with Blueberry and Lemon notes.

    3. Tianfu Wheat Beer 5.0%, 22 IBU’s: Since it’s an American style Wheat Beer, we add plenty of hops! Cascade and Crystal in the brewing process, then Dry Hopping with Sabro creates amazing flavors of Coconut, Peaches and Cream.

    酒头 Tap 4

    2款酸啤 will be alternating 2 Sour Beers:

    1. Wild Master Sour Haze IPA, 6.0% and 12 IBU’s: Wild West x Young Master Collaboration that is Hazy, Hoppy, Sour and just plain Delicious!

    2. Love Potion #8, 4.8% and 5.5 IBU’s: Our latest creation is a Raspberry-Dragonfruit Berliner Weisse guaranteed to get those romantic juices flowing! Dry, tart, sour and fruity and definitely Lovely!

    隐酿| Rescluse Brewing

    清远 Qingyuan




    瓶装 Bottles

    青梅艾尔啤酒 4.50%

    老兵IPA 8%

    渣男IPA 7%

    糖果时光 5%

    生啤 Drafts

    渣男IPA 8%

    蔓越莓果啤 3.5%

    水果奶昔 5%

    厄尔尼诺 6%

    老兵IPA 7%

    黑洞咖啡世涛 9%

    爱酿生物技术|I-brewing Biontech

    深圳 Shenzhen



    *Meet the Brewmaster*



    FOOD 美食



    5th 「Electric City」Shenzhen Craft Beer Fest Food Vendors Lineup

    – 日期 DATE –

    2019.11.08 周五 17:00 – 23:002019.11.09 周六 12:00 – 23:002019.11.10 周日 12:00 – 19:00

    8th Nov (Fri) @ 17:00 – 23:00

    09th Nov (Sat) @ 12:00 – 23:00

    10th Nov (Sun) @ 12:00 – 19:00

    – 价格 PRICE –

    ¥50 早鸟票

    不饮酒参与券 Non-Drinker Pass

    (任选一日 any day)

    Including a full day entrance + 1 commemorative beer cup

    ¥80 / ¥100 早鸟票 / 现场票

    周五通票 FRIDAY PASS

    Including a full day entrance + 3 tasters + 1 commemorative beer cup

    ¥100 / ¥120 早鸟票 / 现场票


    Including a full day entrance + 3 tasters + 1 commemorative beer cup

    ¥80 / ¥100 早鸟票 / 现场票

    周日通票 SUNDAY PASS

    Including a full day entrance + 3 tasters + 1 commemorative beer cup

    ¥120 / ¥150 早鸟票 / 现场票


    Including 3-days entrance + 3 tasters + 1 commemorative beer cup

    ¥150 / ¥180 早鸟票 / 现场票


    Including 3-days entrance + 6 tasters + 1 commemorative beer cup

    – 地点 VENUE –


    地址 Address


    Halo Plaza, No. 8 Liyuan Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen

    – 购票 TICKETS –

    友付 YOUPAY


    24 / 7


    – 更多 MORE –

    联络 Contact

    问询 – 电话Phone

    0755 8670 7005

    (下午5点后 /From 5pm)

    广告/合作 – 邮件Email

    [email protected]





    -FIND US-


    白石洲店 BSZ Taproom:深圳南山白石洲商业步行街百优啤酒屋

    快闪店 B10 Live Pop-up Bar: 深圳市南山区华侨城创意文化园北区C2栋北侧音乐厅



    请发邮件至:[email protected]