Claim Free Surgical Face Masks at NSIC (It’s real!)

NSIC   |   April 3, 2020

Great thanks to The Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry Shenzhen China, our friend Marcin for their generous donation of the face masks. 

NSIC is going to distribute them to people at no cost. We hope that they can help more people in need of face masks. 

First come, first served.

How to claim?

1. Scan the QR code below to fill in the form.

2. Get the masks at NSIC.

Note: One passport or one ID card can only claim 5 masks. To claim the masks, people need to show us his/her passport or ID card. If you want to claim the masks for others, please show us his/her passport or ID card as well. People can only claim for two more people. 

Business Hours:

Monday to Friday

9:00-12:00    14:00-18:00


Nanshan International Cultural Exchange & Service Center

1st Floor, Imperial Park I, Wanghai Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 深圳市南山区望海路海上世界双玺花园一期一层