Shenzhen Weekly Round Up – June 28, 2022: Covid and Row vs. Wade

Now Shenzhen   |   June 28, 2022

Dear Shenzhen-er, 

Tumultuous weekend for those of us based in Futian this past weekend. With luck the tightened Covid restrictions implemented on Saturday will ease today - but don’t hold your breath. Venues and organizers are scrambling to keep events alive yet again in response to this latest wave. As usual please take a look at our full events page to see what’s going on around town - and if in doubt reach out to the venue to confirm activities are still moving forward. 

Aside from that recurring nightmare I cannot in good conscious go without highlighting what went down in the US Supreme Court in regards to abortion rights on Friday. For reasons the savvy amongst you undoubtedly understand - without them having to be stated - we can only share this article with you. We encourage those of you who care about the issue to do some additional Googling!

On a slightly more positive note a survey put out by the European Chamber notes the vast majority of its members (94%) will continue their endeavors in China with many planning expansion in Southern China.

Stay safe out there and keep your 24-hr health code on standby! 

-David & The NowShenzhen Team

P.S. - if you like what we’re doing please help by reposting and asking your friends to follow our Official Account on WeChat (see QR code below). This helps us tremendously! 


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