Duke’s (The Langham Shenzhen)

David Ho   |   July 16, 2019

A classic continental club

Sophisticated and effortlessly stylish, Duke’s entices with its inventive menu, stately décor and relaxing vibe. Resembling a chic private club, contemporary art lines the walls while soothing jazz tunes, leather couches and tub chairs add an old-world charm.

A haven for foodies, Duke’s menu includes tantalising tapas and succulent grilled meats. The restaurant’s extensive wine cellar boasts hundreds of premium wines to cater to both connoisseurs and novices.

Distinct and intimate, Duke’s is an inspired mix of gracious hospitality, delicious food and traditional comforts, making it an ideal venue to meet friends or future clients.

Business Hours

6:30 pm to 1:00 am (Sunday – Thursday)
6:30pm to 2:00am (Friday – Saturday)


Cuisine: Tapas and grills
Location: 3rd Floor
Attire: Smart Casual
Seating: Indoor, seats 45 guests

Jazz Live Music:

  • Mon to Thur: 19:30-23:15;Fri to Sat: 20:00-23:45

经典欧陆酒吧 时尚脱俗的布置、轻松惬意的氛围,加上别出心裁的创新菜式,呈献出令人耳目一新的餐饮体验。墙上的当代艺术装饰与悠扬的爵士乐韵互相辉映,配以真皮沙发和半圆座椅,让人恍如置身昔日欧洲的私人俱乐部。 「爵廊」供应令人垂涎的西班牙餐前小食和鲜嫩味美的烤肉,附设的葡萄酒窖珍藏数百支顶级佳酿,无论是品酒专家或轻尝浅酌人士也能找到惬意的选择。 「爵廊」的魅力独特,美酒佳肴加上悠扬乐韵、典雅舒适的布置和体贴周到的服务,绝对是与三五知己相聚或接待贵宾的不二之选。 

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