Shenzhen Museum of History and Folk Culture (The New)

Now Shenzhen   |   August 25, 2021

Shenzhen Museum was established in 1981, Shenzhen Museum now has three venues: the Museum of History and Folk Culture, the Museum of Ancient Art and the Ye Ting Guerrilla Command Memorial Museum. Shenzhen Museum attracts more than 1.5 million visitors per year. It is a large comprehensive museum of collecting, protecting, researching, exhibiting and public educating. It has ranked among the First Grade National Museums of China.

Shenzhen Museum has permanent exhibitions like Ancient Shenzhen, Modern Shenzhen, Shenzhen’s Reform and Opening-up History, Shenzhen Folk Culture and Wild Animal Specimens. More than 20 excellent exhibitions from home and abroad are introduced every year, which creates strong public interest. Shenzhen Museum is one of the most important venues in the public culture service system.

Shenzhen Museum shows significant research capabilities and it has made great achievements in fields of historical relics, Shenzhen history, Shenzhen’s reform and opening-up history, folk culture and archaeology, etc. Wubeiling Site and Xiantouling Site excavated in Shenzhen were titled as one of the Top 10 Archeological Discoveries of China in 2001 and 2006.

Shenzhen Museum is also an important site for the government delegations from home and abroad. Former Chinese leader from the central committee like Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, Li Keqiang, Wen Jiabao and other important delegations from other countries all visited Shenzhen Museum and confirmed the positive and successful exhibitions.

In recent years, Shenzhen Museum has been conferred several honorary titles including National Scenic Spot of Red Tourism and Patriotism Education Base of Guangdong Province, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Cultural Exchange Base and etc,.

Opening hours: 10:00 – 18:00 (no entrance after 17:30, closed on Monday)

Interpreting: free (reservation required for groups)

By Metro: Civic Center Station exit B




Place Description (Chinese/中文): 深圳博物馆成立于1981年,现有历史民俗馆、古代艺术馆(改造中)和叶挺东江抗日游击指挥部旧址纪念馆3处馆址,年观众量150多万人次,是集收藏、保护、研究、展示、教育为一体的大型综合性博物馆,国家一级博物馆。 深圳博物馆是深圳重要的公共文化服务机构,现有“古代深圳”、“近代深圳”、“深圳改革开放史”、“深圳民俗文化”、“贝林先生捐赠世界野生动物标本”5个基本陈列,2次荣获“全国博物馆十大陈列展览精品奖”。其中,“深圳改革开放史”是全国唯一以改革开放史为核心内容,多角度展示深圳改革开放历程和成就的永久性陈列。各专题展厅不间断地展出全国各地的巡展文物及国外艺术精品,年均20多个,是深圳公共文化服务体系的重要一员。 深圳博物馆在文物、地方史、改革开放史、民俗文化、非遗、考古学及博物馆学等领域的研究水平较高。组织发掘的屋背岭遗址、咸头岭遗址先后被评为“全国十大考古新发现”。 深圳博物馆是政府接待及外事活动的重要场所。曾接待江泽民、胡锦涛、李克强、温家宝等党和国家领导人以及来深考察访问的大部分外国政要,获得高度赞誉。 凭借巨大的影响力和良好的社会效益,深圳博物馆被授予“全国红色旅游经典景区”、“广东省红色旅游示范基地”、“广东省中共党史教育基地”、“粤港澳文化交流合作示范点”、“深圳市爱国主义教育基地”等数十项荣誉称号。 开放时间:10:00-18:00(17:30停止入场,每周一闭馆) 讲解:免费(团体讲解需提前预约)
Address & Contact
Address and contact information:
Chinese and Pinyin Name: 深圳博物馆(历史民俗馆)
Place Address (English/Pinyin): East Wing, Block A, Civic Centre, Fuzhong Road 3, Futian District Shenzhen, Guangdong province
Website: Shenzhen Museum of History and Folk Culture (The New)’s Website
Place Phone: +86 755 82105553
Email: [email protected]
Resources and Reviews:
Blog about Shenzhen Museum
Shenzhen Museum on Lonely Planet
Inside of Place: Shenzhen Civic Center